Sunday, September 20, 2009

GeorgetownCARES - Who Are We?

Who are we?.....We are a coalition of interested parents and other community members working together to prevent youth substance abuse.

What are our goals?
1. Reduce lifetime ATOD (alcohol, tobacco and other drugs) use among youth.
2. Develop a community prevention approach to meet data-determined needs.
3. Build protective factors and developmental assets for youth.

What do we do?
- Provide a support and educational network for parents.
- Hold GeorgetownCARES meetings, bringing informational speakers to the community.
- Collaborate with community sectors to work together towards our goals.

Quick Substance Abuse Facts:
- While most teens do not drink, drug or smoke, most have been offered these substances.
- 70% of teens say losing parents’ respect is the #1 reason they do not use drugs.
- Teens who hear anti-drug messages are 42% less likely to use drugs. Prevention works.

What can you do?.....Teach teens the 3 R’s of staying substance-free:
1) Risks (know them)
2) Resist (peer pressure)
3) Reach Out (for help)

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